Mercurial downbeat�
American producer Evan �Bluetech� Marc has gained worldwide recognition for his atmospheric, eclectic downtempo creations� His first two albums were widely praised � and for the most part I liked both of them� That being said, I must also say, that I don�t like everything this guy has released� Certain stuff seems to lack depth and sometimes I�ve found myself more than just a little bored when listening to Bluetech ambient� But hey, as I say, I like most of his stuff, and I�ve eagerly been awaiting this third album� After all, this is released on AlephZero which has fast become one of the leading outlets for high quality downbeat music�
Let me take you thru the tracks�
#01: Bluetech - Enter The Lovely
Enter the pleasure dome! This album starts exactly where Elementary Particles left off, with slow progressing, floating downbeat� Starts as ambient, but soon evolves into faster, trippier chill-out� The trademark Bluetech �digital singing� is also present here� Lovely indeed!
#02: Bluetech � Condensation
Condensation means a billion different things� In physics it�s the process by which a vapour changes to a liquid� Or in psychology, the process by which a single symbol or word is associated with the emotional content of several, not necessarily related, ideas, feelings, memories, or impulses� Like when you�re dreaming! And I chose to interpret this, as the soundtrack to a lucid dream� Fragmented, dubby beats are accompanied by syncopated, high-pitched synth stabs, creating an epic, yet head-bounce friendly melody� It may sound simple at first, but give this some time to sink in, and you�re in for a treat� Sweet track!
#03: Bluetech � Leaving Winter Behind
I�m sure philosophers would have a field day trying to decipher the meaning behind the track title here, but I choose simply to see it as an ode to the spring� And oh my, what an ode! This is quite simply beautifully constructed music� On one hand it reminds me of the great works of Eno or Schulze and on the other hand, it reminds me of Aes Dana or Solar Fields� Soothing, floating, beautiful ambient� Amazing track!
#04: Bluetech � Forgiveness
Whereas the previous track was all about leaving the cold winter behind, this track feels much more winter-like� Arctic even! Icy-cold ambient � with the chill factor approaching minus 30 degrees Celsius� And this is where I start to loose interest � I mean, it�s not bad at all, but the lack of depth gets to me�
#05: Shulman � First Came The Stars (Bluetech Remix)
This track was originally on the first Shulman album Soundscapes And Modern Tales� A magnificent track and I�m happy to say that Bluetech treats it with the respect it deserves... A harmonic piece which pays tribute to the original, but still adding enough new flavour� I like the distinct psychedelic edge here� The original is a timeless masterpiece, and this remix is also pretty sweet, though it seems to loose a little direction towards the end� But nicey nice nevertheless!
#06: Pitch Black � Ape To Angel (Bluetech�s Evolution Remix)
Another remix here� This time the original was made by the Kiwi duo Pitch Black� I haven�t heard that one, so I can�t really tell you what was changed� What I can tell you though, is that this track is more on the experimental side of things � with rich electro and dub influences � and even some cut breakz&beats� Reminiscent of the latest Solar Field�s album in some parts� A very mature and somewhat introvert track that requires a lot of listens before really sinking in� Pretty good, but I don�t consider it, a stand-out track�
#07: Bluetech � Airstream
This track is easily more upbeat, though still with an edgy, mature held-back feel to it� Experimental to say the least � downtempo music with EDM influences all over the place� Spacy at times, inner city-street wise at others� Fragmented and complex � joyous and melancholy� All at the same time! Descriptions that would normally be contradictory, but it�s a different story with Bluetech� As with the previous track, this took me quite a while to feel comfortable with, but when it finally dissolves it�s really powerful� I wouldn�t mind if it was twice as long though!
#08: Bluetech � Dreamtime Lullaby
And now it�s time for a lullaby� A deep, dubby Bluetech lullaby! Progressing at an impressive pace, this track is essentially up-tempo ambient with a dreamy touch� Too fast for sleeping though, but for wake walking through lucid dreams, I�m sure this is a welcome companion�
#09: Bluetech � Shimmer
And now we�re digging even deeper� This is maybe the deepest track here, with ultra low frequencies and a very ganja-friendly bite� Multilayered and rich in texture, this is easily one of the most complex tracks here, but despite repeated listens I cannot seem to fully connect to it� It has amazing parts, but also too many muzak parts� What a shame!
#10: Bluetech � Wilderness
But I do not disappear, as Wilderness is another masterpiece! Oh yes, gone are the grimmest, introvert excursions � and we�re left with an uplifting, majestic piece of soothing, melodic ambient�Just the way I like it� Trademark Bluetech � in all its glory! One of the best tracks here�
#11: Bluetech � A Garland Of Stars
On the closing outro track, Evan is joined by Rena Jones on cello� And oh my, what wonderful music this is � sounds like a psychedelic version of something off the LOTR-soundtrack� Simply beautiful� It�s a shame is so short!
The hype surrounding this album was immense� And to some extend, I understand that � this is indeed a wonderful, unique album� Evan Bluetech�s music is as inimitable as it is unparalleled� And that�s really rare in this kind of music! Also, it�s very refreshing to experience a downbeat album that isn�t riddled with voice-samples� So in that sense, this album is indeed one of the most original released in 2005 � but that�s not the same as saying it�s among the best! It�s not! Some reviewers have dubbed this the album of the year � and called it the best thing since sliced bread... I�m going to have to disagree with that� It�s good, it�s even very good � but not *that* good�
I�m fully aware, that this is a mature album that requires several listens to really sink in� Very much so, and the listener is instantly rewarded after doing so, but I still think parts of this are too much like elevator music� Dare I say the b-word � boring? Yes, I dared� I know, this might be sacrilege to some people, but that�s how I feel� That being said let me also stress that the good tracks here are VERY good� And I�ve even rated half the tracks as favourites! I just wish the whole album was like that�
The artwork is top drawer as always with AlephZero � and the mastering by Shulman sounds absolutely top notch to me too� The whole package! Anyway, a very mature album by Bluetech here � that�s guaranteed to suit the taste of a wide array of people within ambient/downtempo circles� Enjoy!
Favourites: 2, 3(!), 5, 7, 10(!), 11