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Psytrance reviews
Review by PKS
Debut release from Trishula Records...
A new label in Germany called Trishula Records is out with their first compilation. It is called Ignis Fatuus, which means the foolish fire. Don't ask me which language... They are focusing on trance for the dark hours, which means dark, full on trance for the night. Most of the artists on this compilation are quite fresh in the psytrance scene. A nice opportunity to check out some new upcoming acts. It is compiled by dj Mouka & Rudra.
Ignis Fatuus (Trishula Records) 2004 (TRISHCD001)
1. Zebra-N - Slek
2. Megalopsy - Zactitopsiti
3. Sungirl - Exiter (Final Version)
4. Vegetal - Manhunt
5. Mussy Moody - Disconnected
6. Dronebixie - Voluntary Intoxications
7. Derango - Glo So
8. Psyfactor - Walkin Demon
9. PhasePhour - 321 FlyÖ
First out is an artist from the Netherlands called Zebra-N (Paul Elfferich). This one starts nice and floating. Then it jumps over into dark, rolling, full on night time trance. Quite scary, dark vibes in this one, but suddenly in the middle of the track, we get some jazzy piano, before we get thrown into scary land again. Track 2 is by another upcoming group called Megalopsy, which are three people from Argentina! I don't think I have heard psytrance from Argentina before, so this is quite interesting. They follow the night time style, with some dark bubbling sounds and some heavy, stumping beats. Then we get a track from a Russian artist called Sungirl (Yana Polischuk). So what do you expect from Russia? I definitely expect something dark and fast, and that's what you get here. Fast, rolling bass line and some even faster, quite simple melodies above. In my ears, pretty simple, but for some weird reason, a lot of people seem to love this kind of trance these days. Track 4 is by a Swedish artist called Vegetal (Peter Ebkar). He gives us a pumping track, with some weird sounds thrown in above. Here we get more variation, but I miss some more deep vibes in there. Sort of Hux Flux sound (the old Hux Flux Sound), but not as massive.
Track 5 is by Mussy Moody (Thy Trung) from Denmark. This artist sure likes chaos. Dark vibes, with a chaos of sounds swirling around. This one sounds a little bit better in my ears. Some really funny, psychedelic sounds in there. Track 6 is also made by a Danish artist, called Dronebixie (Christian Kaas). This is a quite intense, fast pumping track. Still dark, with very synthetic sounds playing above the bass line. A little bit too noisy for my taste. Then we get a track by Derango (Jens Eriksson and Ola Eriksson), who is getting a pretty good reputation among night time trancers these days. In my ears, this one sounds a little bit better too, with pretty scary sound picture, better sounds and a little bit of melodies. Track 8 is by another Russian act called Psyfactor (Dimitry Korablin). He continues the scary vibes with a pure night time sound, and an intense, drifting bass line. In my opinion, one of the best tracks on this compilation, but this is not a style I'm a very big fan of. Luckily, the last track on this compilation takes a little bit lighter direction than the rest. This one is made by PhasePhour (Eldar Von Essen and Robert Egeland) from Norway (!). They are not very known worldwide yet, but they released a strong debut album on Freetransform Records earlier this year. They make quite dark, full on trance too, but with more melodies and variation. This track is the best track on this compilation in my opinion, not because I know these guys, but because of the creativity, great variation, interesting twists and the use of melodies. With other words, a nice finish on the compilation.
If you love the melodyless night time trance that pops out of Russia etc. these days, this compilation might fit your taste. Personally I find the last track pretty good, but the rest doesn't sound very interesting in my ears.
PK (shivapks@hotmail.com)
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