Tranceporter "Tranceporter"

Top level Music reviews Psytrance reviews

Review by PKS
Perplex releases a new album, this time under the name Tranceporter, with a more clubby sound...

Perplex (Ronen Dahan) from Israel is out with his fourth album, this time in a more club oriented way than we are used to from his previous albums. In this project he calls himself Tranceporter, probably because the style is different from most Perplex tracks…

Tranceporter (aka Perplex) "Tranceporter" Trancelucent Productions 2003 (TP-005)

1. Cosmic Sound
2. Nostra
3. Maday
4. The Dawn
5. S.O.S.
6. Are You Ready?
7. Club Sound
8. Voices
9. Visual Perplex

The first track is a pretty slow going stumpy track. You can already hear the club sound influences in this track. Easy going floating synth sounds and house influenced vocal samples. Pretty different from what I’m used to hear from Perplex. Track 2 has a relaxing opening, before the clubby beats hits in again. This sounds better with some better melodies going in a bit deeper way. You get a few breaks with melodic sounds, and the beats goes in the same slow, stumpy way. Track 3 has a very clubby sound. Melodic and floating, but not in a very psychedelic way. Track 4 has a pretty cool tribal female voice, but the beats go on in that clubby way. Track 5 is floating and melodic, but the melodies are pretty easy. Track 6 sounds terrible in my ears. Totally cheesy with a lot of ugly vocals. It might fit the taste of a clubber, but for me it just sounds wrong… Track 7 with the title “Club Sound” isn’t any better. Very house influenced with a lot of cheesy vocals. Terrible in my ears! Track 8 goes in the same direction. Cheesy vocal trance… The last track on this album is a more slow going track, still with a clubby house vibe.

This album was probably not meant for the usual psytrancer, but more for the cheesy clubbers out there. This has club sound written all over it, and isn’t much psychedelic at all. Maybe something for those of you who want it a bit cheesy sometimes, but I hope Perplex goes back to producing real psytrance again…

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