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Party flyers
Author: Carsten
Publishing date: 29.07.2003 11:12
Party in Oslo, 15.-16. August 2003,
with Neuromotor, Vibrasphere and more.
Now it’s time for a new Limboland experience. The dates are Friday the 15th of August and Saturday the 16th of August. This is the 5th Limboland in line, and this time the party will take place over two nights plus a Chill-Out on Saturday afternoon in the Hausmania backyard.
We can proudly present this line-up for Limboland 05. We have booked a wide range of live acts and dj’s, and sincerely hope that this will satisfy everyone. Internet links to further information about live acts and dj’s can be found further down.
Friday 15th of August 2003
Loopus in Fabula (live - Fabula Records, Italy) *
Vibrasphere (live - Digital Structures, Sweden)
Anneli (dj - Sweden)
Gen6 (dj - Creon Records, Sweden)
Carsten (dj - Hell, Norway)
Saturday 16th of August 2003
Neuromotor (dj set - Mechanik Sound, Barcelona) *
PhasePhour (live - Freetransform Records, Norway) *
Matteo (dj - Fabula Records, Italy)
Thomas (dj - Limboland resident, Norway)
Christer (dj - Limboland resident, Norway)
Roland Lifjell (dj - Baluns Records, Norway)
* Neuromotor - Fred fra Neuromotor har bestemt seg for å presentere det nye materialet fra det kommende albummet på Limboland 05. Det betyr at det blir et uoffisielt releaseparty.
* Loopus in Fabula - Her blir det også et releaseparty på det kommende albummet som slippes en gang i løpet av høsten 2003 på Fabula Records.
* PhasePhour - Den nye 12" kommer i disse dager og her vil det også bli releaseparty for denne og det kommende debutalbummet som kommer i løpet av september 2003.
Saturday 16th of August 2003
Skjeggemannen (dj - Freetransform Records, Norway)
Chaman (dj - Kulturfolket, Sweden)
+ Friends
Venue: Hausmania, Hausmannsgate 34
When: Friday 15th of August & Saturday 16th of August, from 21:00
Price: NOK 200, - for two-day pass, NOK 150, - for one-day ticket
Age: 20 Years
Deco: Limboland
Visuals: EarVR
Internet address for further information:
Anneli: www.djanneli.tk
Gen6: www.gen6.org
Loopus in Fabula: web.tiscali.it/loopus/
Neuromotor: www.mechaniksound.com
Phasephour: www.freetransform.no
Roland Lifjell: www.listen.to/audibelle
Vibrasphere: www.vibrasphere.com
For more information, please contact Katrine Johannessen
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