Infected Mushroom "Converting Vegetarians"

Top level Music reviews Psytrance reviews

Review by PKS
Infected Mushroom from Israel is out with their fourth album, this time a double album with on trance cd and one experimental cd...

Amit Duvdevani and Erez Aizen are out with their fourth album. After their successful albums; The Gathering in 1999, Classical Mushroom in 2000 and B.P. Empire in 2001, they now release a double album on BNE. There are for sure a lot of people out there curious about this album, since these guys has come out with something new and interesting each time they have released something. First kicking new style when the Gathering came out, the classical music mixed with trance in Classical Mushroom and the new way of full on in B.P. Empire.

Infected Mushroom “Converting Vegetarians” BNE 2003 (YOYO056)


1. Albibeno
2. Hush Mail
3. Apogiffa Night
4. Song Pong
5. Chaplin
6. Echonomix
7. Scorpion Frog
8. Deeply Disturbed
9. Semi Nice
10. Yanko Pitch


1. Converting Vegetarians
2. Elation Station
3. Drop Out
4. Avratz
5. Blink
6. Shakawkaw
7. Pletzturra
8. I Wish
9. Ballerium
10. Selecta
11. Illuminaughty
12. Jeenge
13. Elevation

With this album, we get a trance cd (cd1) and a more chilled/experimental cd (CD2). First out is the trance cd. Track 1 starts melodic before the typical Infected rhythm comes in. This sounds more melodic than most tracks on B.P. Empire. Somewhere between Classical Mushroom and B.P. Empire. The track varies all the way through. Pleasant trance for listening and for dancing. Track 2 has more weird and cool sounds. Not as melodic as track 1, but still more melodic than most trance released these days. Killer full on track for the party. Track 3 starts really dramatic, like some kind of scary movie or something. Then the rhythms really start pumping and the dramatic sounds goes in and out of the track. Track 4 starts with an uplifting spacey melody. This track is very melodic all the way through, but it doesn`t become too cheesy either. Track 5 starts very melodic too, almost like some kind of euro dance song. But when the rhythm hits us, it become really nice. A lot of crazy infected melodies.

Tack 6 starts pretty weird, but cool. The rhythms are really drifting, and we get some nice infected melodies in this one too. At the end it reminds me a lot of some Classical Mushroom tracks. Track 7 has also a lot of the Classical Mushroom style, with a violin melody in the beginning. The track builds up and become pretty trancey. Track 8 (Deeply Disturbed) has some of you probably heard before. It was released on a cd single earlier this year in four different versions. Starts off pretty nice with the guitar of Berry Sakharof. But suddenly after a few minutes you get an awful vocal by Amit Duvdevani, which sort of ruins this track.
The track is pretty good if you look away from the singing. Track 9 is a very happy uplifting track with some kind of accordion. The last track on cd1 is also really melodic. Maybe too melodic for some people, but it will for sure give a smile on the crowd.

Cd 2 is the experimental part of this album. It starts off with the track called Converting Vegetarians. Weird relaxing rhythms and sounds the first couple of minutes. Then we get some kind of chilled rap vocals saying some things about converting vegetarians. It becomes a bit rock influenced too. Personally I hate this track, but maybe it is something for those who want to explore this kind of music. Infected Mushroom sure enjoys to check out a lot of different kinds of music styles. Track 2 is a happy summer track with uplifting melodies. Still chilled, and very funky. Pretty nice experimental music for home listening. Track 3 was also released on the Deeply Disturbed cd single as a taste of what to expect on this album. This track is pretty nice, with some weird synth pop vocals and nice guitar playing. Track 4 is really chilled with a lot piano alike melodies. After a few minutes, the track gets a little faster, with some vocals and cool drums. Track 5 sounds just like a synth pop track from the 80s. A lot of vocals through the whole track, by Michele Adamson, who also sings in Shpongle and Younger Brother tracks. Track 6 is softer again with a really beautiful Balearic guitar and relaxing sounds. Track 7 starts with relaxing rhythms and piano playing. Then we get some vocals. The track varies a lot, but for me it becomes a bit too sweet. At the end we get some kind of Irish folk music too.

In track 8, we go back to synth pop again. Actually I think it is pretty cool, even though I don`t like much synth pop. Im sure a lot of people will hate it, but again a track for the more open minded people who want to explore new styles. Track 9 has some heavy dub rhythms. After a few minutes, you get a beautiful female vocal again. Then we get some reggae influenced sounds and rhythms. As all the other tracks on this cd, it varies a lot all the way through. Track 11 gives me some kind of synth pop feeling again, but there are no vocals in this one. Track 11 is another synth pop track with the beautiful vocals of Michele Adamson. Track 12 slows down again, with a nice guitar playing. The last track on this album is released before, on a compilation called Another Life (BNE, 2002). A very relaxed track with mostly piano and violin.

The first cd (trance cd) is pretty good if you like the melodic Infected Mushroom style. These guys has developed their trance style a lot between the different releases, but with this trance cd I have a feeling that they have taken a little break and used a lot of the ingredients we have got from their earlier albums. On the other hand, cd 2 is the most experimental release they have ever come out with. CD 2 sounds like they have just really enjoyed themselves in the studio and tried out a lot of different music styles. I think the trance cd will be enjoyed by most trance people, while the experimental cd will result in more mixed feelings.

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Topic: Author:
Converting Vegetarians
Seth Priske 23.11.2005 17:40
The Album "Converting Vegetarians" By Infected Mushroom Has A Different Approach to The Music They Make. For
Example: The Song "Jeenge" The Guitar Playing Of Erez Aizen Has A Very Good Sounding Rhythm And Has Turned My
Liking For Their Trance Music To Chill As
Well As Trance. Infected Has Probably The Best Music I Have Heard But Still Their Are Other Artists That Have The Same Influence To This Style Of Music.
Converting Vegetarians
Seth Priske 23.11.2005 17:39
The Album "Converting Vegetarians"
By Infected Mushroom Has A Different Approach to The Music They Make.
For Example: The Song "Jeenge" The Guitar Playing Of Erez Aizen Has A Very Good Sounding Rhythm And Has Turned

My Liking For Their Trance Music To Chill
As Well As Trance. Infected Has Probably The Best Music I Have Heard But Still Their Are Other Artists That Have The Same Influence To This Style Of Music.
Converting Vegetarians
Seth Priske 23.11.2005 17:36
The Album "Converting Vegetarians"
By Infected Mushroom Has A Different Approach to The Music They Make.
For Example: The Song "Jeenge" The Guitar Playing Of Erez Aizen Has A Very Good Sounding Rhythm And Has Turned
My Liking For Their Trance Music To Chill
As Well As Trance. Infected Has Probably The Best Music I Have Heard But Still Their Are Other Artists That Have The Same Influence To This Style Of Music.
Deres Beste hittil
rudi b 13.08.2003 11:41
Ask Solem Hoel : Du har lite peiling på på god musikk , du !
Jeg mener infected gutta er blant de beste psycho`s som er på jord .
Converting Vegetarians
Axel Müller 09.08.2003 21:47
and now - for the completeness - a german comment ;)

Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich nicht gedacht Infected Mushroom könnte an den Sound ihrer Vorgänger-CD's anschließen... nach dem ersten Lied hab ich den gedanken wieder verworfen ;) Ich habe mal gelesen man könnte keine guten Reviews schreiben wenn man von etwas zu beeindruckt ist, aber diese CD strotzt einfach vor perfektion. Am meisten hat mich als alten Triphop/Slowmo-Hasen die 2te CD beeindruckt. Ich werde nicht weiter auf die CD selber, was sich verändert hat und wieso eingehen...Ich sage nur diese Typen müssen einen packt mt dem Teufel für perfekte Melodien abgeschlossen haben. Hört euch die komplette CD an, meinetwegen ladet sie euch herunter (switcht nicht durch die Tracks - Infected Mushroom stand schon immer für größte Variation innerhalb ihrer Lieder), ich bin mir sicher früher oder später werdet sie ihr euch kaufen... spätestens wenn ihr mal wieder an einer bestimmten Stelle an einem Lied angekommen seid und einfach nur die *absolute perfektion* des mixens der einzigartigen Sounds feststellt.
infected mushroom
Sean McFetridge 09.05.2003 15:56
hmmm i dunno. as much as i do love all of infected mushroom's older music, i really think that this album was the most enjoyable. Tho i love the dark sounds of the gathering, or the crazy melodic side of classic mushroom, and even the unique beats put together on bp empire, i think that out of all of em, in this album they finally were able to combine all of their techniques in a perfect manner. tho it's true that classic mushroom will always be my fave, and yeah there's alot of other really great tracks on comps that i love as well (scotch and look at me) and even dancing with kadafi or the messenger having the upper hand in my tastes. Truly i think that the 2nd album is where it's at, i think infected has opened out their tastes in music and tho it strays from having a psychedelic vibe, it's not mistaken that this album is unique for the scene, and put together with much intelligence. great job guys, it's amazing I.M.O.
Converting Vegeterians
Ask Solem Hoel 30.04.2003 14:45
Det er lite bra som kan sies om denne plata.
Infected Mushroom har siden Classical Mushroom vært ganske uinspirert og dette er kanskje deres største (makk)verk hittil.

Hadde det ikke vært for at det var meg selv som slengte det i MP3-spilleren, ville jeg trodd det var en spansk lærhomo kalt Rodrigez som spilte kassegitar og sang billige asitiske kopier av europeiske dance-låter.

Disse kara burde slutte å høre på Metallica, Santana og Gipsy Kings for å finne nye inspirasjonkilder om de i det hele tatt kan reddes.
   RE:Converting Vegeterians
urho kaipainen 01.10.2003 07:41
> Det er lite bra som kan sies om denne plata.
> Infected Mushroom har siden Classical Mushroom vært ganske
> uinspirert og dette er kanskje deres største (makk)verk
> hittil.
> Hadde det ikke vært for at det var meg selv som slengte det
> i MP3-spilleren, ville jeg trodd det var en spansk lærhomo
> kalt Rodrigez som spilte kassegitar og sang billige
> asitiske kopier av europeiske dance-låter.
> Disse kara burde slutte å høre på Metallica, Santana og
> Gipsy Kings for å finne nye inspirasjonkilder om de i det
> hele tatt kan reddes.

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