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1200 Mics "Heroes Of The Imagination"

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1200 Micrograms probably got rich after releasing their first 1200 Mics album last year on TIP.World. People obviously think it’s funny with full on GMS sound with a ton of voice samples talking about drugs. I looked at that release as a bit funny not very serious project they just did one time, just to have some fun. But surprisingly, those guys have now released a second album, this time called Heroes Of The Imagination. The GMS guys produce way too much in my opinion, and when using too little time on each track they make, things easily get a little simple. Raja Ram is involved with his flute, but how many days did he visit the growling guys at Ibiza to make this album? I don’t think it was many…

1200 Micrograms "Heroes Of The Imagination" TIP.World Records 2003 (TIPWCD30)

1. Renaissance Superman
2. The Cosmologist
3. Speed Of Light
4. E=Mc2
5. Language Of The Future
6. Acid For Nothing
7. DNA
8. WWW.

The cover art looks pretty much like the first 1200 Mics album, but here they have added something funny inside. A 3D picture, you can only see if you look at it in a special way. The first track starts nice and slow with floating sounds, before we get thrown into the usual GMS full on madness. It sounds pretty good the first couple of minutes, but after a while you get those usual noisy GMS full on sounds that I’m really tired of. You also get a melody that to me sounds totally cheesy. If you know their Zorba project, you know what I mean. Melodies that sounds more like some cheesy euro dance, than psychedelic. Track 2 also starts pretty good. But then we get thrown into the usual GMS take off system you find in all their tracks. Same recipe that we have heard so many times before. The melody we get after a few minutes is the most cheesy thing I have ever heard from these guys! Track 3 starts with the flute of Raja Ram. Really beautiful, until the GMS drift is back on track. But, this track is not as bad as the others. The melodies remind me a lot of old goa style, and that helps a lot. In my opinion, the best track on this album.

Track 4 starts in some kind of euro pop style from the first second, and continue with all those simple melodies all the way through. Track 5 starts with the beautiful flute again. In this track you get the usual GMS drift, and things sounds pretty good the first couple of minutes, but then we are suddenly back in cheesy world again. Track 6 is the most funny track on this album. A remix of a track by Dire Straits! This was probably the most played track by dj’s at Samothraki Dance Festival 2003. Not a good track, but funny for a party. Now that I have heard it so many times, I’m starting to get pretty tired of it. Track 7 has a lot of guitar. A really full on track, where they have cut out most of the cheese. The last track on this album starts with scary sounds. The melodies in this one sounds way too simple in my ears, just like most of the other tracks on this album.

I think it was enough with one 1200 Micrograms album. This has way too much Zorba influences. Something for the masses, but not very good quality music. These guys are talented, so if they produced fewer tracks and used more time on each track, things would probably be much better.

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