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Highpersonic Whomen "Alternative Energysource"

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Trance acts from Finland are impressing us these days. A new name from Finland most people haven`t heard about before, is Highpersonic Whomen. This is Frank Further and Justin Space based in Helsinki. Now they are out with an album on Thirteen Productions.

Highpersonic Whomen "Alternative Energysource" Thirteen Productions 2002 (13CD02)

1. Wunderbaum
2. Piece Of Cake
3. Des Pudels Kern
4. E.T. FM
5. Standard Procedure
6. Clone Collective
7. Wormhole
8. Easy Does It

These guys have thrown themselves on the progressive wagon. The first track is the hardest one on the album. Not my favourite. Pretty dark hard pumping progressive trance, with more cool sounds than we are used to when it comes to this style. Track 2 is among the better progressive tracks I have ever heard. It starts off floating, before the progressive rhythms starts rolling. The track builds up very slowly, only with sounds and rhythms. After a while you are really into these drifting rhythms, and suddenly after seven minutes a beautiful morning melody comes in. Fantastic on the dance floor! This is really what gets people into trance! Track 3 is another morning track. More typical progressive trance. Reminds me a bit of Atmos, except this is much better. Melodic, drifting morning trance. Track 4 is my favourite on this album. Reminds me of track 2, but this is more relaxed rhythms. It builds up really slow from start to finish. Very pleasant for the dancefloor. Nice rhythms drifting you into the sound picture. Hard not to dance to this one! After about seven minutes, a beautiful morning melody comes in again. That`s the point of total excitement on the dance floor. Really beautiful. Track 5 goes the same style, but with more hard pumping rhythms. At the end of the track you get a melodic part again. It`s like the track builds up minute after minute to this little moment of melodic excitement. Track 6 is darker. A lot of cool sounds in between the heavy pumping rhythms. There are more psytrance melodies from beginning to start on this one. Track 7 reminds me a bit of Tristan. More housey progressive trance on this one. Not as good as the rest of the album in my ears, but not bad. The last track is chill out. You will find this on the next chill out compilation from Twisted/Backroom Beats Records (Backroom Beats 2). Very nice dub inspired track, with beautiful melodies and relaxing rhythms.

This album really surprised me. One of the absolute better progressive trance albums out there. So watch out for these guys! A sign of quality is also that they already are collaborating with Twisted Records...

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